Everyone Deserves A Great Leader. It Should Be You.

Leadership is evoking in others the capacity to dream.  Every person, organization, research question, team and project deserves to have a great leader. We are convinced that it should be you. Let it be you.
Leadership is an art and science that can be learned and improved. The leader within you can be developed daily.

Our Personal Story

Our founder, OrLando Yarborough III, earned his Ph.D. in Genetics from Yale. He received world-class doctoral training, no explicit leadership training, yet became aware of this truth from John C. Maxwell: everything rises and falls on leadership.

Even in scientific research at the highest levels, “people knowledge” and relationships drive success much more than technical ability. OrLando has personally witnessed transformation locally, nationally, and internationally–when people intentionally internalize and live good, universal leadership principles and values, the value of the associated people and organization lifts. This was OrLando’s experience in Guatemala when they–150 John Maxwell Team coaches–trained more than 20,000 Guatemalan leaders for national transformation; these equipped and empowered Guatemalan leaders have embarked on training over 13 million of their own leaders and as of  2021 more than 2 million Guatemalans have been trained in transformation.

“I have tasted significance, and it greatly outweighs my desire for success.” -OrLando Yarborough III, PhD

Our Motivation

“The great advance I experienced in my own growth compelled me to share with colleagues and others. My wife and I created the Well Company to coach, train, and multiply value to the leaders and communities around us. I hold an image of Visionary Scholar-Leaders influencing, with high competence and integrity, the edge of every field and societal element we touch.”

-OrLando Yarborough III, PhD

What's Your Story?

Your leadership legacy matters.

We believe in you. We believe in the power of your influence. Let us help you create a leadership legacy of significance. Once you have tasted significance, then success alone will never satisfy you.
We formed the Well Company and its initiatives, such as Yarborough Consulting and Coaching, to breathe fresh wind into leaders on the front lines, launch new leaders, and encourage the vision and development of leaders-in-the-middle. We inspire positive life transformation and help others achieve their highest vision and goals, both personally and professionally.

We understand…

  • Identifying specific ways to add value to others and your unique purpose may be challenging.
  • It is possible to learn to lead well and live your greater purpose.
  • Our coaching and one-of-a-kind personalized leadership experience library will help lift you to the greater excellence and action you desire.

There is a greater work in you. We help you to bring it forward and live it today.


Our Founder

OrLando Yarborough III
